In 2023, we premiered “Shades of Yesteryear” an adult Chautauqua performance to great success. We’ll soon be repeating this program for any interested community members! Free classes will take place Wednesday afternoons beginning July 10th, and the performance will be Saturday October 12th at the Fallon Theatre.

[A flier for the Adult Chautauqua Theatre Program. The graphic shows black silhouettes of people in period clothing along with that of a covered wagon. Text across the flier reads "Love History, love acting, or just want to try something new? Come join the fun at the Churchill County Museum's Adult Chautauqua Theatre Program! Adult performers in character and costume bringing local historical figures to life. Free for ages 18 and up! Bring a friend! Begins July 10th. Cast meets each Wednesday 4-5pm at the Churchill Coutny Museum. Instructor: Glen Perazzo, retired theater teacher. Register by calling 775-423-3677 or visit the museum front desk. This year will focus on local pioneers (what is a pioneer?) and Fallon families! Do you have a local ‘pioneer’ in your family that you would like to portray or see portrayed? Contact Jennifer Jones, education curator, (775)423-3677 ext 4!]

This year’s theme is pioneers, but you’re not limited to pioneers in the traditional sense. Your character can be a pioneer in any field, as long as they have ties to Churchill County. If you don’t have someone in mind, we’ll help you pick.

For more information, contact Jennifer Jones at or (775)423-3677 ext 4.